Double R Productions



sagas and stories of one family fancying the views while climbing the mountains of life

(or at least trying to fancy those views and climb those mountains)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blustery Tuesday

Since when did Wind=Tuesdays?  I don't remember seeing that on anyone's math homework lately.  But apparently around these parts it has become an accurate equation or should I say, "It's a problem!"  Why? 'Cause is it Garbage Day around here.  Last week, made two frantic calls to Senior and the kids (it was an unusual morning...I left earlier than them) begging them NOT to put out the garbage after dodging cans and flying garbage as I drove up the hill.  They listened and we survived with barely enough room to take one more bag out yesterday (the recycle can was completely full as of last Tuesday...did not do good on our footprint this week).  All night last night, I kept dreaming that the garbage truck was coming down the street and we didn't have our cans out (guess it was probably the snow plows I was hearing)....woke this morning to more wind that last week!  I am talking major gusts coming off that mountain. Guess my morning will be spent upstairs listening for the truck and hopefully catching him as he comes down the street...can't skip another week else we might end up looking like a Shel Silverstein poem... but definitely not willing to risk cleaning up the street if my cans get blown over...they are over-the-top full!

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny - I dreamed last night about not getting our garbage cans out on time today. The things mother's worry about in their sleep!

    It does seem like we've had way too many windy Tuesdays.
