Double R Productions



sagas and stories of one family fancying the views while climbing the mountains of life

(or at least trying to fancy those views and climb those mountains)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Little Slice

An hour later Slick, Giada and friend
This week we've been registering kiddos for school next year...helped us feel like summer is right around the corner!  Thought a good little slice for the week and for posterity's sake might be a glance at what classes they have signed up for...three youngest don't have as many options as the two oldest!

First day of school 2010  Bernina and a friend off to 9th grade
Junior:  Preschool at our favorite place...they've all gone to the same preschool.  We love you Miss Jennifer! Plus he will continue "Talking Time" through Headstart and the school district.  Still working on that speech thing.  He is coming along well.  Talking a lot more when he wants to but just sounds pretty sloppy (that's what they call it...a sloppy talker)...been stuttering a lot lately.  The speech therapist says that we don't need to worry about that now.  Not unusual to hear a 3 year old with a stuttering issue but if it is still happening next year we will have to work on that.   

Queen Bubs:  Kindergarten here she comes!  Might opt for afternoon though.  Never done that before.  Still haven't quite decided...pros and cons.  Heard that sometimes afternoon class is a little more mild-mannered and they seem to get more done in the same amount of time...But if she does afternoon on preschool days she and Junior won't have much time together (nor will I have a kid-free couple of hours).  Still leaning towards the afternoon thing.  She could walk home with Slick which would be fun.  Crazy part is that Junior's preschool is longer than Queen Bubs' kindergarten class...go figure.  Kindergarten around these parts is only about 2 hours and 35 minutes 4 days a week and only 2 hours on Fridays...

Slick:  Moving on to fourth grade.  Seriously...I can't believe she is already that old! She'll be in the wing of the school with the fifth and sixth graders...whoa! When I hear her in the computer room practicing her typing skills it kinda freaks me out!  Especially 'cause it just seems like yesterday Bernina was doing the exact same typing assignments and I thought she was SO old! Slick is gonna be headed to college before I know it!  Stop girl...don't grow up so fast.

Giada:  Junior High!  She is gonna try out the following:  English, Honors Science (which means another year of science fair...yuck!...but she is got the science fair down pat...this year she won at the school, at the district and was invited to the regional fair but we decided not to go to that...), Pre-Alegbra, Keyboarding Applications, General Music/Choir, Art I, Utah Studies, Honors Reading, Career/Tech Exploration, P.E. and something else I can't remember!  Giada has mixed feelings about Junior High.  A little nervous but pretty excited.  She sure got dolled up cute last night when we headed over for registration.  Looked pretty grown up.  I know she is gonna do great!  

Bernina:  High School Finally!  Signed up for Honors English, Honors Pre-Calculus, Intro to Health Sciences, Spanish I, Honors Chemistry, Release Time (LDS Seminary), AP European History, Debate I, Beginning Girls Choir, an online Fit for Life class  and summer Drivers Ed (yep, kinda crazy...she will have her permit in less than a month).  Bernina is kinda a nerd when it comes to school.  She likes homework...crazy girl.  In fact, as I type she is attending the State Math Competition!  Taking a two and a half hour math an hour each way on the bus...does that sound like your kind of fun?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Flashback Friday: Buried Alive?!?

Date: Late Springtime sometime in the mid-1980s.  
Place: Edgehill Drive

 I wish I had a picture...but no scanner currently available so we will have do without.  

The grass was green and the dark earth of the flowerbeds were beckoning to be dug under in preparation for the flowers waiting to bloom.  After a day at school, we all headed out into the back yard to enjoy the warm sun that had been missing for so long.  My mother worked in the yard while the rest of us played on the grass.  There were probably four or five of us (my youngest sister probably missed out on our fun) and we decided to get our pet rabbit, Mr. McGregor, out of his cage after a long winter in the garage and let him enjoy the fun in the sun.  Failing to realize that after a long winter spent in a small cage, Mr. McGregor had put on a few pounds, we laughed and hollered as he bounded around the backyard with several children playful (or so we thought) chasing him.  Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and the most awful, blood-curdling screams...sounds that no one would ever guess could come from a cute, white bunny...filled the air.  After a few seconds that seemed like minutes, the piercing screams gave way to a soft moaning and then he drew in his last breath and died.  We could not believe it:  Mr. McGregor, our bunny, dead of a heart attack caused by overexertion  after a long winter spent getting fat in the garage.  A cousin and uncle living across the street came over to pronounce him dead, gather his remains and help us bury him in the pet cemetery in the orchard behind their home.  We dug a grave and all stood round as we paid Mr. McGregor our final respects.  Imagine our surprise and shock when his little body was placed in the grave and he let out a little squeal.  "He is alive!" we exclaimed. Explaining, that it was merely the leftover air leaving his little lungs, our uncle finished the burial.  We nodded our heads in understanding, but still our hearts wondered as we trudged back home, "Bunny buried alive?!?" I guess we will never know...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Little Slice Plus Apology

One month hiatus...shouldn't have done that...sorry...dealing with some issues preventing my desire to write...not big issues just stuff...some resolved, some not but decided that writing can still happen and creativity can still happen if I here it goes.

Top Ten In No Particular Order for Today's Afternoon and Evening At Our House (some of it is typical, some of it is not typical)
1.  Sunny and somewhat warm weather...not so typical lately
2.  Crazy dance carpool driving and dance for Bernina and Giada (Thursday carpool logistics are crazy not the actual driving) ...typical
3.  Junior High Wrestling Meet (Bernina must attend as part of her SBO responsibilities)...too typical lately
4.  No church meetings (yet) for Senior...not so typical
5.  Homework for all...typical
6.  Early dinner...typical for Thursday so that Bernina can eat before dance if she gets home in time from the too typical lately wrestling meet
7.  Early bedtime for littles due to number 8 (see below)...not so typical with usual Thursday carpool ('cause they fall asleep while completing the late afternoon leg and then want to stay up all night...I'll be playing music as loud as possible and driving with the windows down to keep them awake today)
8.  Chocho hosting Book Group 8 PM tonight...not typical, just a once a year kinda thing (Book:  Animal Farm by Orwell, Menu: Apple Brown Betty and Animal Crackers by Chocho...I know not too spring-like but if you've read the book you know that apples are a necessary part of a smart animals' diet plus it is easy and I need easy tonight due to number 9 (see below))
9. Nine children (five of our own, four cousins) staying at our house for the next three nights and four days...definitely not typical but definitely fun
10.  Super quick fast forward through American Idol...too typical for one or two of us...Hint hint (it isn't me and it isn't necessarily just the kids)