Double R Productions



sagas and stories of one family fancying the views while climbing the mountains of life

(or at least trying to fancy those views and climb those mountains)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blueberry Turkey Sandwiches--Flashback Friday

Friday's New Feature...Flashback Friday!

Date: Spring Break 1994
Place: Moab, Utah
Subject: Blueberry Turkey Sandwiches

College Spring Breaks...Those were the days--or were they?  Hmmmmm....Anyways, a fun-filled week at the Lazy Lizard crammed with at least 30 college students sleeping everywhere (when sleep finally took over...not a lot of sleep during spring break).  Imagine my surprise when a late eighties Suburban pulled up one night with a couple of occupants, including Senior, who decided spur of the moment to join in the Moab festivities but were too cheap to pay for the luxury the Lazy Lizard provided (more like roof overhead and plumbing).  

So they slept in their Suburban. 

A couple of my friends who had ridden down in my car needed to head back a day or two early, so being the gentleman he was, Senior suggested I let them take my car and he would be so kind to give me a ride home when the party-week ended.  

Sounded like a good idea to me. What girl doesn't want to hitch a four-hour ride with a couple of good-looking guys? 

 After a sacrament meeting in Moab, we packed up the car and realized we were all almost out of moolah...and realized we were all definitely hungry.  

Details get really blurry at this point.  

I do remember a stop at the City Market but most of all I remember eating turkey sandwiches on blueberry bagels on the way out of town...(surprisingly yummy) and I remember Senior's arm slowly drape itself across the front bench seat of the Suburban and touch my shoulder as we passed Green River and headed northwest towards Price...(surprisingly yummy, too). 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Little Slice

New Thursday Feature--A Little Slice

Sometimes there are those tiny things that if captured give us a picture of what is going on with someone we know.  I'm gonna call those "A Little Slice." Thinking "A Little Slice" might become a regular Thursday post for me.  

Today's "A Little Slice" is a glimpse into the Recently Added file on our family's ITunes library.  

Disclaimer...I am not usually the one adding music to our ITunes and it isn't usually Junior or Queen Bubs.  Slick isn't allowed to go to Itunes without Bernina's or her mom's or dad's supervision.  (Note to self: might need to remind her about that rule...sometimes children momentarily forget certain rules at our house unless they are reminded frequently...) 

Should also add that I have a household of music lovers...all types...Pandora is favorite during homework time...Kids claim they do their best work with the music going...I don't do my best work with the tunes cranked...I used too...does that mean I am getting old?...Luckily adults and kids all seem to appreciate one another's favorites...that is a good thing!

Recently Added:

Entire album
Anthem, Love to Love, Tired Magician, and Cast Away
I See The Light

Rhythm of Love
That Should Be Me

Thought I might add that Justin Bieber has 22 plays, second is Mandy Moore with 16 plays and rounding out the top three is the Mo Tab's "You Raise Me Up".  Hmmmmmmm.....and that is today's "A Little Slice".

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'll Take The Junk Emails

Little confused.  Same picture as previous post.  You are right.  Instead of feeling a little confused, I am feeling a little guilty.  After finishing my last post, I went to close out the open windows.  This picture was taken from a blog that posts a different historical picture daily and then tells the story behind it.  When I copied the picture to use in Monday's post, I didn't pay attention to the story behind it.  When I went to close the window, I glanced at the story.  Turns out this picture is from 1936 and it is the site of a recently homeless family's make shift home.  They are just off the road and the mother is working to make sure their clothes are clean.  I think I'll take my junk emails...

Monday, January 10, 2011

I Could Be Scrubbing Clothes on a Wash Board

Bet she doesn't have to worry about email while she scrubs those clothes!
Just spent 41 minutes unsubscribing from 28 different companies email lists.  Not too exciting, nor does it seem very productive but when I open my email inbox tomorrow hopefully it will be a little less full!  Found myself a little irritated at technology while I was mindlessly clicking away but then I realized I could be scrubbing clothes on a wash board.  But, then again, at least I would be burning a few calories at the same time! is all about tradeoffs.  And I will admit, I do enjoy a lot of the tradeoffs technology brings to me...just not necessarily junk mail!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Picture Missa took on the sly on the way back from St. George this summer.  To complete the series we probably need a shot of the Alpine exit on I-15 North too!

This photo is hanging on the wall on in the basement.  One of Bernina's friends asked her why.  Later that evening, he told me "he heard the whole story."  After her friends left, I was curious as to how accurate "the whole story" is what she said (and for the record it was fairly close to true life with a few little exceptions here and there...which I won't correct at this time).

"Well, my mom and dad were just really good friends in college for a couple of years.  In fact, people would say to my mom, 'why don't you and Senior get together' and she would tell them 'oh he is just like my brother.'  Then my mom got a speeding ticket coming back from Lake Powell.  My dad told her the payment had to be to a certain office in Fillmore by a certain time so he drove with her to Fillmore late one night.  On the way back he pulled off the side of the road and started kissing her.  They got engaged soon after that and then got married." sort of did happen like that (with a few more juicy details). 

The funniest part of the story is that when we got back (like at 5:30 AM...before anyone gets concerned we didn't leave until 12:30 and there was over 4and 1/2 hours driving time which doesn't leave a lot of time for the other part of the trip) I had to be at work at 6:30 AM so since we were driving my car we went straight to my house so I could get ready for work and then I was going to drop Senior off at home on my way to work.  I figured everyone would still be asleep (just my siblings were and dad were out of town I think) so I got Senior a bowl of cereal and went downstairs to get cleaned up not realizing that Matt would be getting up early for football.  Apparently, while I was in the shower, Matt (who was probably about fourteen at the time) headed into the kitchen to see some guy that looked a little familiar eating breakfast.  Apparently, they told each other "Hey", Matt got his breakfast out, they ate in silence, Matt left for football and then I came up ready to leave knowing nothing of the awkward breakfast meeting of Matt and Senior!  Would have liked to been a fly on the wall for that one!  Wonder what was going through both their minds!  HaHa!


Saturday AM and I heard a sound in the basement.  It wasn't an unfamiliar sound, just a sound that I don't usually associate with Saturday mornings.  It was the ping of the ping-pong table getting some use.  Hmmmmm....I smiled. Must have something to do with the Friday night before. 

Little background for you.  For as long as I can remember, my Dad (AKA Papa these days) could beat pretty much any ping-pong player that came his way.  Until Senior came his way.  Senior had a reputation as being a ping-pong king.  Since then, it has always been stiff competition and no matter who came around, Senior or Papa would take them down. 

A couple of weeks ago, Papa showed up and some of Bernina's friends were in the basement playing ping-pong.  Of course, Papa, couldn't resist a little friendly competition and headed down to show those boys a few things.  Within a few minutes, he was back upstairs and commented to Senior, "There is a kid down there with a pretty good hit."  Well, apparently Senior should have listen up and freshened up his ping-pong skills because Friday night out our house Senior got schooled.  Big time.  At least three times.  By a fifteen-year-old boy. 

But you know Senior...he is practicing...hoping for a rematch soon.

(Ping-pong isn't the only thing that gets competitive around our place.  Here is a pix of Papa after an early AM thanksgiving day basketball game at the condo went south when Senior's head caused a trip to the ER and several stitches for Papa.  Good thing Senior has a forgiving father-in-law.  They made it back in time for turkey in case you were wondering)

Not Again!

Last week, I extolled the virtures of 1 PM church and explained my change of heart regarding later church time. 

I must make my self clear...the same does not apply to late Stake Conference (which we have today). 

I swear, we have had 2 PM stake conference way to many times in the last couple of years! 

Come on!  Give us a break!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lesson From The Lucky Floor And The Poor Pan

So, I dropped my favorite pan (big, deep, saute-type, stove to oven, lid, non-stick, use it for everything pan) on the floor yesterday.  It is big, it is heavy and so immediately I was certain I would have a big dent in my floor.  I was alarmed and while I didn't necessarily cuss I probably said something I don't want the kiddos repeating.  I dropped to the ground to inspect and was relieved to find no dent, scratch or wound.  Phew, I thought.  Then I picked up the pan to return it to its drawer and I saw it...the pan itself was dented.  The whole side! 

Here is the part to chew on...How many times to we "freak out" (sorry about the lame term, I am in a hurry and don't have time to engage my mind in a better word choice) about something, only to miss out on the real problem?  I've been thinking this all through and I do think there might be a lesson or two learned from the poor pan and the lucky floor. 

Oh and by the way, Senior fixed my pan.  It is just like new again.  Wahoo!

Quotes from Queen Bubs

Queen Bubs after her friend headed home yesterday after a playdate and while Junior was still at his friend's doing their thing: 
"Wait, where is Junior? fair, he should not be playing with a friend longer than me! I need to call another friend."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


(photo taken Sunday AM as Queen Bubs was preparing to leave the hospital...just a few months before Senior's call to be our Bishop...note: no gray hairs yet)

Well, Senior might be a little embarrassed if he stumbles upon today's post but I figure it is my perogative to share things that make each member of my family special...

Today, he is conducting a funeral.  Cute Jeneal Jorgensen down the street passed away of Dec 28, 2010 at the age of 83. We will miss her but she is now with her sweetheart and that is a good place to be.   I don't have an exact count but I think he might be nearing 40 funerals.   We tease him about being the funeral speaker instead of the wedding singer.  The thought of conducting a funeral and all the things that come along with helping a family deal with the ramifications of death might make some of us a little nervous but Senior seems to handle it all very well.  To be completely honest, he will tell you that he feels much more at ease conducting a funeral than he does when performing a marriage ceremony (which he is nearing double digits on, I think).

With that little intro out of the way, let me get on with the purpose of this post: 

Words shared with me this morning from Allen, a son of Jeneal:  "Mom used to say that when it came to bishops many were picked but few were chosen.  After visiting with Bishop she would always remark, 'That one was definately chosen!'"

Senior works hard to make sure he is doing what the Lord would have him do.  He isn't perfect, none of us are, but his devotion to the Lord and to his fellow men and women is an inspiration to me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Embracing Her Curly Side?

Recently admitted over Christmas break by Slick through a quiet whisper in my ear, "I think I kinda like my hair curly..."

But alas, it was apparently short-lived, as she hollered as she was headed downstairs to hit the sack this evening, "Mom, will you straighten my hair in the morning."

Maybe one day she will finally get it!  Till then, she is grateful for flat iron technology!

Nine O'Clock Versus One O'Clock (Eleven Is Out...The Singles Have A Monopoly On That One)

So, I've changed my tune.  Perhaps, it is an attempt to focus on the positive but I think it might be for real.  My love affair with 9AM church is over.  I know, call me crazy, but really you might want to call me undisciplined (more on that in a moment).  But whatever you call me I think I am going to enjoy this 1 PM church schedule for the next year.  Those individuals who have perfected the art of a perfect sabbath observance might not get where I am coming from but I figured something out this first Sunday of the year.  For some of us (meaning me), 1 PM church time means a definate uptick in the level of Sabbath holiness around our place.

 Let me explain (please note, Senior's Sunday looks much different than ours and he shouldn't be judged by any of the following confessions...he hasn't been home before church (or probably after church for that matter) for at least a decade and when he finally gets to experience an entire Sabbath day with his family I am sure his first order of business will be to get the rest of our priorities in order)...Anyways, 9 AM church begins in the hours prior with waking and getting kids presentable (kudos to the three older girls who definately help me with the younger crowd) and usually culminates in a mad dash complete with yelling, hollering, speeding, breaking the law (kids don't ever seem to get buckled in their carseats on the drive to church), and various other unbecoming behaviors.  Noon rolls around and we head home. Worn out by the 1. late night of the previous Saturday fun 2. the mere sight of a disaster zone left behind in the wake of the abovementioned mad dash to get to church and 3. the realization that a nice "Sunday" dinner might cheer a lonely bishop after a ten hour day, the rest of the afternoon is spent letting the kids entertain themselves (which often means a free-for-all)  while I (and the kids that are feeling helpful) get things put back together and get dinner put together. Hmmmmmmm...

I've often said I love 9 AM church so I can have the rest of the day to enjoy.  But maybe that is not a good thing when when it comes to keeping me on the straight and narrow as far as my Sabbath worship is concerned.  The first Sunday of 2011 worked like this:  Sleep in a little.  Arise.  Enjoy the peace and quiet as the kids still slept a little.  Spend an hour studying the gospel doctrine lesson (as a participant, not a teacher), casually visit with kids as they wake, explain to Junior and Queen Bubs that we are going to enjoy some Church music instead of watching "shows" before Church,  spend sometime with Slick problem-solving how she can make fasting a more positive experience, update some Personal Progress with Bernina and Giada, start getting clothes on and curling Giada's, Queen Bubs' and Slick's hair (that was actually Bernina who handled hair needs), got crockpot cooking, rolls rising, and jello setting, finished getting kids and self ready, supervised Junior and Bubs packing the church bag, hopped in the car and pulled up to the church with 5 minutes to spare and all looking at least 10 times more put together than any Sunday in the previous 50 weeks (disclaimer:  even with 1 PM church Junior might end up with sport socks on and Queen Bubs might be wearing purple sandals instead of her appropriate patent leather shoes)  Enjoyed a three hour block with kids that seemed alert and happy to be there (remember, I didn't have to drag them out of bed and feed them toast on the way to church).  Came home to the scent of a yummy crockpot full of dinner.  Set the table, finished up a few projects with the kids and enjoyed a nice meal when Senior finally walked in the door.  Think I'll tire of 1 PM before the year is out...Only time will tell but for now I am loving it!  (But if anyone is listening...I would really, really love that coveted 11 AM slot)!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 1, 2011

On the docket today in no particular order:
1. A few miles at the gym (started that one last week...figured if I couldn't make it to the gym with all the kids at home--which for me means babysitters--then when could I?)
2. Visit to Office Max to purchase my annual desk calendar that I cannot live without (used to love it 'cause the big spaces made life seem not so it now 'cause the big spaces are completely necessary to contain all that is happening around here)
3.  A football game or two (go TCU)
4.  Pack up the Christmas decor (seems like the house is empty, but in a good way, once it is all put away)
5.  Hope Giada gets her science project finished up (wouldn't it be lovely to head back to school knowing that project science is complete even though the fair is not until the end of January)
6.  Enjoy one last late night with the kids (bed time is gonna be a major shock to some of their systems come Sunday night...we've been pretty loosey-goosey around here during the holidays)
7.  Finish A Tale of Two Cities so when the DVD comes from Netflix I can watch it with Bernina (she needs to watch it for extra credit in English...she finished reading it a month ago...I am nearing the half way point)
8.  Sort socks (not that I really need to do that is just that any list I make would not be complete without adding that to it...that is a never-ending project at our house)!