10. Memorial Day Weekend spent in St. George with some of our dearest friends! We soaked up the sun, splashed in the pool, noshed on yummy food, enjoyed the out-of-doors, stayed up late and marveled at our great kids!
9. Chocho and Bernina enjoyed Chocho's all-time favorite musical. I am talking nothing better ever. Les Miserables rocks!
8. Enjoyed a yummy family dinner at the classic-can't-go-wrong Cowboy Grub to celebrate Papa's birthday. Laughed when we saw that Senior and Bernina and Giada all ordered the exact same thing: Pot Roast Sandwich with cheese spuds! The server commented about how well-behaved all the little cousins were...what, that is a first?!? They must be growing up...
7. A couple of memorable Sunday dinners and desserts...celebrated Mother's Day with our favorite mothers, Nana and Grandma. What would we do without them?!? Also, held our traditional Sunday Dinner at the Bishop's with the graduating seniors in our ward. Sure have enjoyed having those great kids in our home over the years and hearing about their plans and dreams for the future. We wish them all only the best!
6. Listened to Giada fiddle away on her viola with a couple hundred other kids at the school districts infamous "Monster Concert." She did great although she is packing up the viola after this year. Going to go the school choir route...speaking of school choirs, enjoyed Bernina's last choir concert of ninth grade. She was a trooper seeing how she was throwing up her guts just 30 minutes before she was supposed to sing!
5. Watched Slick dance her little heart out as part of her Activity Days Recognition Night. They did a
creative skit about the Ugly Duckling and served us lasagna that they had made themselves. It was fun! Thanks to her awesome leaders! Watched Queen Bubs dance her heart out at her end of year dance recital. You go girl!
4. Smiled as Queen Bubs participated in her Preschool Graduation, complete with patriotic songs and popscicles. The night before as I was tucking her into bed she told me she prayed that she wouldn't be so sad that school was over. She has loved her preschool. Kudos to Slick as well...I had double-booked my life unknowingly and was supposed to be attending the third grade fieldtrip at the same time as Bub's preschool. Rob was gonna cover the preschool but had something at work come up, so Slick came through and told me she would be okay if I went to the graduation. Thanks Slick! You helped out a lot!
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May 2008, Senior and family prior to his parents leaving on their LDS mission to Hartford, Connecticut |
3. Enjoyed a yummy dinner and some great conversation with Senior's parents at one of our favorite restaurants, The Mandarin. Bernina and Giada held down the fort. Thanks gals!
2. Hiked from NSL to downtown SLC with Bernina and Giada via the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. What a fantastic way to spend a Friday afternoon. It was beautiful.
1. Got the garden planted...finally. Now if the sun would shine and warm up the soil so the plants would grow and the rain would slow down so the weeds would slow down a bit...is that too much to ask? I mean it's Utah and it is the end of May...