Was it somewhat angular letters done cross-stitch style with colorful embroidery floss? Or some sort of florally script in an ornate gold frame? The mental picture of a little wall hanging varies within my mind but the profound message it conveys something steady and strong within my heart: "Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice." Read about that little message in President Thomas S. Monson's, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and a living prophet of the Lord--a seer and revelator just as the prophets of old, recent conference address.
Sixteen years ago, I was lucky enough to have my true love choose me (he would say he was lucky I chose him...in reality it probably goes both ways...haha) and I have to admit I love my choice every single day! Doesn't mean everything is always peachy-keen but it does mean I have power to use perspective and unselfishness when times get a little bumpy and if I choose not to, well, then, I am not choosing happiness. Feeling like you have control of yourself is important to me. Recognizing my choices are within my control is pretty empowering!
What a great post! I love to hear people's stories from when they fell in love or when they got married. It's hilarious that you got left at the temple! My Rob met me at the temple the day we were being sealed and went to the wrong temple! Thanks for sharing your perspectives!