Double R Productions



sagas and stories of one family fancying the views while climbing the mountains of life

(or at least trying to fancy those views and climb those mountains)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Coming Out Of The Closet...

So, I have been giving my blog some thought....hmmmmmmm...and well, I have decided that the reason I blog is to record my family's history for me and for them.  I mean I do enjoy catching up with loved ones, close and far, through their blogs and I do enjoy the occasional comment on my blog but when it comes right down to it, this blog is a way that I can preserve the happenings in my family's life...especially since I am not a scrapbooker or even a very good journaler!  I still haven't put together one of those "blog books" but I am going to...hint, hint, mother's day maybe? So in thinking about turning my blog into a hard copy to remember forever, I wonder if my "nicknames" will cause confusion years down the road.  I felt, initially, they were necessary to protect my kids from stranger danger but in watching the traffic my blog gets...I don't think it is an issue!  Plus, I posted my Christmas Card and if you look close, it has all our names on it! Get out! Right there in print! So, therefore, the nicknames are gone and we are coming out of the closet with our real names!  Drumroll, please.....
CHOCHO:  Rachel...yep it is usually me that you have to listen to rambling on and on and on...
SENIOR: handsome and hardworking better half...
BERNINA: Emily or Emi, currently enjoying high school...Go BRAVES!
GIADA: Abigail or Abby, currently enjoying junior high...Go EAGLES!
SLICK: Elizabeth or Lizzie, currently embracing her curls...FINALLY!
QUEEN BUBS: Anna May or Annie, currently talking and talking...and TALKING!
JUNIOR: David or for as long as it will last DAVEY, currently playing the role of the typical little brother...slyly PUSHING BUTTONS!

Phew, I did it! And it feels good!  Now for getting us all caught up (yes, I am going to attempt to get 2011 covered) and ready to start a new year of blogging...only a month and 3 days late!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I admit there were a few times I was a bit confused about the nicknames and couldn't remember who was who! I think you're right, there are so many blogs out there is somebody really going to stalk you? I do sometimes try though not to give too much info about EXACTLY where we live...
