Double R Productions



sagas and stories of one family fancying the views while climbing the mountains of life

(or at least trying to fancy those views and climb those mountains)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes

As we were walking down the street in the middle of a cold and windy rain storm (we had an umbrella, I just hadn't realized how cold it was until after we left)to pick up Junior's from a friend's house, Queen Bubs exclaims "This must be a super-lion today!"  Took me a second...then I got it.  Once March rolls around, preschools everywhere teach the ancient truth:  "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb!"  Trouble around here (and just about everywhere) the lion doesn't seem to want to leave...hopefully those April showers finish up so we can get the May flowers planted (another little truth I gleaned from Joy School in 1977)!

1 comment:

  1. Count on Queen Bubs to be wise and insightful and I am impressed that my tuition back in 1977 paid off because you still remember something you learned....but then you always were a bright girl!
