Double R Productions



sagas and stories of one family fancying the views while climbing the mountains of life

(or at least trying to fancy those views and climb those mountains)

Monday, May 9, 2011

April 2011 Top Ten...Remember, there is no meaning to the order...

1.A. Guess who is the new seventh grade vice president at the Junior High? Yep our very own Giada!  Have to say her portfolio she had to put together rocked (it might even get its very own post) and she walked out of her interview with the current SBO officers and told her momma, "I think I nailed it!" And guess what?  She did.  Way to go Giada!

1B.  Easter...It was a special time to reflect on the Resurrection of our Savior  and we also enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa's traditional egg hunt.
1.C.  Yep, we really did wake up at 1:55 AM watched whole thing!  Nana and Auntie  Natalie joined us at Nana's house for the festivities.  Senior and Junior enjoyed having the house to themselves!
1.D.  Chocho and Bernina enjoyed a Bobbi Brown makeover at Nordies with Auntie Natalie, courtesy of Auntie Missa!

2.  Ninth Grade is almost over...Bernina was honored at the Eagle Evening of Excellence!  Also a chance to grab some photos of some of her cute friends.  
3.  Matching Easter outfits!  Some years it happens, some years it doesn't...Some years I get a photo of it, some years I don't.  This year they both happened!

4. Traditional Egg Roll with the Hansen's...we seem to make just about everything competitive...even Easter!  

5. Celebrated Queen Bubs 5th birthday in style with a Barbie cake!  Her birthday date was with Mom and Dad at good ole Chuck-A-Rama!

6.  Celebrated Bernina's 15th birthday! For her birthday date she headed to see The King's Speech and then dinner at Ruth's Diner (which happens to be the restaurant that Chocho's parents and Senior's parents first met soon after the "proposal" way back when).
7.  Queen Bubs was a mouse in her preschool play...what a cute mouse!
8. Sunday morning pretend primary with Sister Slick.  They made the shield representing the Armor of God. 

9. Lec/Dem CDT at an elementary school in Daybreak. Again, they danced their hearts out!

10. Spring.Break.St.George.We.Love.It.Seriously!


  1. Yes, let's do it! Any of those dates are good for me. :)

  2. Well I enjoyed April! What a great family and so many good memories...even saw me rolling an egg!
